first, i need to be very clear. i am talking about the ones you buy on the street in new york and probably some other cities, at a stand like the one pictured above, not the ones you buy at neiman marcus. the ones i buy are $5. they often reside next to sunglasses, cell phone cases and the occasional around-the-neck metrocard holder. shoot me if i ever wear one of those.
also, they are best after they've been washed - this makes them soft and pliable and totally glorious. warning: they might lose their freshly bought sheen by washing, so if you like that, don't wash them. but i think they look and feel nicest when washed.

use # 1: standard use as a scarf, around the neck several times (fave) or hanging straight down
use #2: as a wrap, worn over the shoulders as an extra layer of warmth, easy to put on and take off - great for travel, commute, formal events, etc.
because of the vast array of colors you can get, the use of a pashmina in either of these ways can really change the look of an outfit. i dress mostly in solid colors (okay who am i kidding, it's a solid color known as black), so i use these all the time to alter and provide some interest and variation on the look. it's also a great and low-risk way to try out a new color -- rather than investing in a purple winter coat this year, you can partake in the purple craze by getting a purple pashmina and pairing it with several different items in your wardrobe.
use #3: have several (coordinating colors, obvi) rolled up in a basket or bag at home to offer to guests on a chilly night outside (or inside, in the case of my house which we like cold). this function is also a really nice idea i've seen done for an outdoor wedding...we actually almost had pashminas draped on every other seat at our ceremony, but opted for the paper confetti explosion after "i do" instead...priorities, you know?
use #4: as a throw in your home to add a punch of any number of colors...if your bedroom is looking a little drab in cooler months, you can throw a bright yellow or hot pink one over a chair and instantly brighten the space. or if you want to neautralize a space and remove some color, a brown or cream or tan one can go a long way for a very short stack. of singles. okay, that was a stretch.
comment on this post with your thoughts about pashminas and their many uses, and be entered in the tiny treasures drawing to win one in a color of your choice!
I LOVE MY PASHMINAS. i have a black one that i wear all the time, and i have a blue one. i also have a really nice tan one that was a treat to myself (more than $5) and i actually wear it less than the cheaper ones. i want a purple one...and a pink one...a cool orange would be nice...oohh! cream would be good too! I need to find one of those $5 stands :)
i bought a plum-ish purple one just yesterday!!! from that very stand you pictured!
I love my pashminas. I have two pink ones and a black one. Since I tend to wear a lot of black and gray, they offer a splash of color.
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