i, for one, couldn't be happier to see friday this week - how about you?
we're seeing best friends for dinner at
this place, and i'll be wearing
this lipstick. mitchell never likes to see the menu before we go somewhere - he likes the element of surprise (
very out of character for him, btw) but i took a peek and it looks pretty amazing.
speaking of lipstick, is
this not the most gorgeous makeup packaging you've ever seen? i'm also excited about trying
this lipstick this weekend even though i'm not much into the whole vampire thing - especially in
this form.
i'm feeling pretty happy in the fragrance realm, because i think i found an
adequate replacement for the bath and body works vanilla noir that has been discontinued. it's been a crucial part of my fragrance life because i use it to temper
my beloved patchouli and the custom blend has become a part of me. so i'm feeling a little more settled now that i have a plan.
while i was at sephora exploring vanillas, i got mitchell a bottle of
this for his birthday - amazing. he sprayed it and exclaimed "ooh, so fresh. me likey. i'm going to put it in my
mancaddy." sorry mitchell, had to share.
how fun are these
richer poorer socks? sure, they're great for guys but i could see enjoying them under winter boots too.
i'm still in the nascent stages of exploring
swapstyle, but i'm in deep like so far.
i'm loving
one of the nicest bridesmaid dresses ever on BRIDEfinds. and some useful
monogram favors!
and forever 21 (
always a great source for cheap accessories) is launching a
bridal line that involves feathers!
now in the category of gorgeous rustic weddings, check out
this malibu affair (
outdoor chandelier and leather boots included) and
this amazing one with such a cute way for guests to share their own recipes for love. adore the drink sign!
check out this roundup of
top 10 wedding posts at wedding chicks, and
hibiscus tea looks pretty good, even without the vodka if preferred, and would probably be good hot too. how perfect would it be in glass number 8 on
this champagne glass roundup? i imagine it would taste like the winterberry tea i get from
jittery joe's which seems to be their own creation. and that brings me to tell you about just about the sweetest coffee shop i've ever seen,
sweet melissa in park slope. the only way i can describe it is to say it's just darling and i wanted to stay there and never leave.
i'm not sure why, but items like
this just melt my heart.
i know wall decals are a little iffy...they can be done well, and then not so well. i most enjoy them in childrens' rooms, and homegoods has a nice selection (of course they do). but sitedesignnyc has cornered the market, in my opinion.
here, you can choose any of the designs
in any colors you want. you just select "custom" and then give the details in your order. done. category killed.
i also discovered that sitedesign offers
customizable lamps starting at $150, while
higher end sites seem to offer basically the same stuff for three times the price. kind of loving this company - very custom but on such a nice budget.
if i were at all crafty, i would want to try making these
delicate paper cherry blossoms from broke-ass bride. they're so pretty! and even though they're intended for boutennieres, i love them in a simple mug just like has them too. even if you're not crafty (maybe especially if you're not), the post is really funny. and the book she references,
playing with books? yes please!
have a great weekend, and as always, thanks for sharing your week with me.