first, on weddings:
i had the pleasure of visiting the wedding dress shop lovely in the west village. it really was lovely, and i highly advise you visit if you are a bride, or you know one who loves pretty and girly and low key. the sign in their bathroom says "employees must look fabulous before returning to work." and they have a blog.
this royal wedding-themed wedding invitation on the wedding chicks is kind of royally awesome.
and while we're on the topic of kate middleton, BRIDEfinds has rounded up some ways to channel her.
bwed has such a sweet, charming post on the origin of the whole something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue thing...read it here, and look forward to a post coming soon about these very customs, cause i want to hear all about your somethings...
lauren from every last detail posted thoughtful, tactful tips for dealing with wedding vendors, and i think they actually apply to anyone you work with, wedding or no wedding. it's so true, and i think such a helpful thing for anyone to read...bride or no bride, just person functioning in the world.
WOW. the broke-ass-bride has done it again. check out these knockout wedding dresses, all for under a thousand dollars.
and on other topics...
i am reassured over and over again that mrs. meyer's lavender countertop spray is among my favorite things in the world. it makes cleaning like a spa experience. i'm continually obsessed. it's my ultimate, forever tiny treasure.
if you feel like you need a real spa vacation, feast your eyes on the standard hotel in miami beach.
i'm obsessed with the nate berkus show. every day. i've developed a DVR problem because i can't erase ones that don't appeal to me, because they all appeal to me. in addition to being so charming and normal and coolly uncool, it's little, simple, beautiful ideas like this and this that make me love him. it's like martha for dummies.
why do i love gwyneth paltrow so much? she's another one...cool but not cool. and by that i mean unbearably cool. have you seen her on glee? at the grammys? do you get GOOP? love. her. so. much.
apparently, there are fashionable medical id bracelets...who knew? i need to wear one because i had gastric bypass surgery. because of said surgery, i can't drink for a while, but if i could i would totes be mixing up some of this pomegranate liqueur with some bubbly. yum.
while on the jewelry train, i want one of these, in rose or yellow gold. maybe on pearls like this. really want one. like really really.
do you coupon? you really should. every once in a while, i get off the couponing boat, and then i wonder to myself how much money you really save couponing when i'm pondering getting back on. and then i remember...you save a BOATLOAD of money on the couponing boat. this site is a good place to start. the best deals are on household and beauty items, i find. and speaking of those items...
this one's for the ladies only (as if anyone but ladies reads honey living)...if you've ever felt like some nights you need a diaper rather than a maxi-pad for coverage, i found it for you. it's these. they're even bigger than they look. but i tell you, this is nighttime only material. they're so...protective...that they will change the way your pants fit. and you can read about my pants situation here.
and on that note, i'll sign off. i hope you trust that if i talk to you about feminine hygiene products, they're pretty remarkable. i tell you, these suckers are ridiculous.
gwyneth image
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