louisa was gracious enough to answer some questions and allow me to share photos of her work and her home. i want to soak up everything she says in her answers, and i think you'll feel the same. she is honest, candid, charming and just so totally fabulous. i know it from knowing her, and now you'll know it from reading on.

lv: it is called "le soyeux" a camembert of ultimate quality...creamy with just enough tang to remind us of that certain edge in all things french.
hl: how do you usually build the menu of what you'll serve? where do you get your ideas?

lv: of course all homemade and from scratch...don't ask for bottled dressings. they don't exist in my house. shortcuts are another issue. if you have solid basic skills in the kitchen then you can and sometimes must take shortcuts as long as the integrity of the recipe is respected.
hl: is there a dish you just can't get right?
lv: my italian mother wanted desperately belong to her adopted quebec and time after time she would attempt to make "sucre a la creme" a basic fudge that stubbornly wouldn't set. my younger sister elena and i were the benefactors of that failure as she practically threw it at us to devour and make disappear until the next try. believe it or not, i too, to this day have not been able to master the "sucre a la creme" and there's nobody to take it off my hands, so guess who has to eat it....moi.
hl: what's the best thing you've ever eaten?
lv: you know i love that show on the food network where they ask all these famous TV chefs to tell us the best thing they've ever eaten. the series asks about things fried, about desserts, about bacon, about cocktails, you name it....and they come up with their "best ever eaten" in each category. i'd be hard pressed to choose one thing, but i'll tell you that pan fried foie gras prepared by didier leroy (chef/owner of didier in toronto) is as close to perfection and satisfaction as i have ever tasted....but i could go on and on...
hl: is there a chef you particularly admire?
lv: i've mentioned didier leroy, he is my friend as well as a master at his craft, but i also love to eat at chef masayuki tamaru's table at simple bistro in toronto. he trained with didier and although he is japanese, his delicacies are all french. another is jean-pierre challet of ici bistro again in toronto. his restaurant is tiny and always packed and the food is divine. last but not least the great susur lee who was a contestant last season on top chef masters and almost won. he is well known in the US and a big huge star here in toronto. all the above are my friends and i have had the pleasure of cooking for a few of them several times and you know something? they're the easiest people to please.
hl: you make hosting seem effortless...what's your best entertaining tip?
lv: chef didier leroy would say: "les gens se compliquent l'existence" (people make their lives complicated....) and he is right. i like to plan, make a list, stick to it and keep things simple. then say a little prayer, have a little cocktail and you're on your way....
hl: do you prefer being a guest at other peoples' homes or having people to yours?
lv: i adore being a guest although i sometimes get the impression people are intimidated. as if! if i have the guts to serve food to some of the best cooks, i don't see why anyone could possibly fear feeding me! but to be honest, i prefer hosting....control and bragging rights...that's what it's all about.

reader note: louisa handmade placecards for each guest at our dinner.

hl: do your tastes change often? if so, how do you address that change without having to overhaul your whole design?
lv: i'm a romantic and that's not going to change...however i do like a modern clean look but within such a decor i'd always have to include the strange object that would take even that slick look to a softer more romantic and a bit shabby chic relaxed environment.
hl: whose style of interior design do you love? any of the old classics, or are there new icons you love?
lv: five me french and english country anytime.
hl: where are your favorite places to shop for design and housewares?

lv: i love shopping at the door store in toronto (reader note: not to be confused with this place). they carry the most eclectic pieces from all over the world, old doors, chairs, decorative objects, architectural pieces from demolition sites, beautiful chandeliers, door knobs, some glasses and pots, all so interesting a different -- a place to fire your imagination. i also like teatro verde which is highly polished in its approach and so sophisticated - a jewel.
hl: what's the best design bargain you've ever found? and your biggest splurge?
lv: it wasn't a bargain and i did splurge on it: my kitchen! it is clean, fresh, white. a mixture of modern, industrial and old quebec styles. as the song says: "it cost me a lot ....."

lv: i dream of my next house. (reader note: all of the marble texture you see below in the fireplace is louisa's faux-finish masterpiece. yeah.)

hl: now, your artwork...what's your favorite thing about your work? (reader note: all the paintings shown here are louisa's work).
lv: the fact that i allow it to change. hl: in lots of your work, the proportions of people and things are skewed and over the top...is that something specific to you, or it's just your aesthetic?

lv: an idea can germinate for years until it appears in the forefront of your mind. you may think it just popped up but art lives inside the artist and just like a garden yields a new crop each summer, an idea will grow out of the depth of the mind without any effort from the artist. i will start with a simple drawing and may leave it at that or throw it away if I'm not happy. artists are unpredictable.

lv: oh boy yes. and that's tough to live through. but for every dry spell you are replenished by the time resting. dry spells are essential.

lv: several....but as soon as i get back to work, something new happens and the past remains a source of reference and that's how it should be.
hl: do your worlds of art and design and cooking and entertaining connect to each other in your mind? do they all feel like part of the same expression or are they totally separate?
lv: absolutely, i cook the way i paint and i paint the way i cook. creating a good meal is as satisfying as drawing the most fantastic character. delicious is what they have to be.
how lovely is louisa? her answers are so thoughtful and i feel like they have the potential to help us all think broadly about what we do and how we do it. when i read louisa's answers to my questions, i felt inspired and excited, and i hope they make you feel the same way.
Viva Varalta!
Thanks for posting. I am a big fan or her painting and it was a feast to see so many, even in a blog! And the food!!! Off to make a pie!
My mama is mamavelous!
My Friend Luisa is beautiful,sensitive,kind,thoughtful and her heart is the brightest beacon in the Universe.
Her artistry is one of a kind,her cocktails are stupendous and her cooking is extraordinary!!!
Thank you for showing her to all the people who love good food art and all good things in life
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