Friday, September 17, 2010

falling into fall

i hope you have a wonderful weekend and get to enjoy some comfortable fall weather. i can't believe it's already the middle of september, can you? fall always feels so hopeful to me - probably from the idea of a "new year" when you're school age (and jewish, since our high holidays are to welcome in the new year) and you know the holidays are around the's just a nice feeling, every year, regardless of what i have going on.

one of my favorite things about fall is how wonderful it feels, looks and smells. it's such a multi-sensory season, inside and out, and i love that feeling that i'm surrounded by and immersed in it.

especially this year, i'm looking forward to spending lots of time on my balcony, around my neighborhood and otherwise outside, since the summer was so hot that i wasn't enjoying being outdoors. now is a great time for farmers markets like this one and this one, and you can search out the ones available in your area here.

well have a good weekend, friends. see you back here on monday.

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