Monday, February 22, 2010

dining companions

my mind has been occupied recently with thoughts of what to hang and where, so these got my attention. aren't these flatware paintings from wisteria so great? btw, if you don't know wisteria yet, you're welcome.

i love these because they're whimsical and different-looking - you just know they'd be a showstopper in any kitchen or dining room that could handle the scale. and i think even rooms you might not think could handle the scale probably could -- the canvases are attached to dowels (rather than stretched or framed) and you hang them on the wall using hooks that are attached. so even though the pieces are large, the actual canvas has a certain flatness and movement that would make its size forgiving in even a small space.

as wisteria's description very eloquently says: "inspired by a set of austro-hungarian sterling flatware from the 1850s, this collection's...oversized scale helps us to appreciate the ornate beauty of each piece of cutlery." i agree completely.

though i like the use of all three close together best, i could see spacing them separately throughout a room as well, keeping the eye moving but still having the feel of a series.
you like?

note: while each piece alone is $219, the set of three is $499

all photos from

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