Friday, February 19, 2010

happy weekend!

so it's the weekend, friends. what do you have planned? we're staying low-key and celebrating a friend's 30th. it happens to us all...

before we part for a few days, here is some stuff from around the web i think you'd appreciate.

have you seen the trailer for sex and the city 2? what are your thoughts?

and did you watch tiger woods' apology? i actually thought it was very sincere and that he seems to be accepting full blame and putting his own therapy and healing before golf, which i'd imagine is a stretch for him. also, i thought he shared more than he needed to about his feelings of entitlement and his straying from spirituality. and then the other part of me thinks he's a big old cheater. what did you think? here is a link in case you missed it.

on a happier note, check out this very special home featured on elements of style earlier this week.

also in blogland, i love when i discover a new blogger with a funny and likable voice - it's something to look forward to everyday, and it's so fun to have people you relate to in blog-land. jackie fo is one such example, and i think you'd love her too. here is a link to a wonderful post she did on her wedding.

and speaking of funny, you have to check out this website, warning label generator. it is so hilarious. it allows you to choose pictures and write your own labels. here are some that i did that just make me laugh.

so funny, right?

recently, a friend wished me a "restful" weekend. i love that. isn't that what we need our weekends to be? i hope yours is restful and makes you happy.

top and bottom photos from, sex and the city photo from, warning labels from


  1. You rock - thanks for the shout out!!

  2. Oh. and I watched the Tiger Woods thing in my office. I agree with you that he way more than I thought he was going to and looked truly sorry. But he is a cheater bottom line and people will never forget that. So glad his wife didn't stand beside him today!!

  3. Am I the only one who doesn't care about Tiger?

    Also, SATC looks completely cheesy, but I'll guiltily see it anyway! Sounds perfect for a way too hot summer evening with the ladies.
