Friday, February 5, 2010

happy weekend!

what are you doing this weekend? i am once and for all finishing our guest room, which is really going to be my office. i so need a little space full of pretty things, a desk for writing, a TV with all my favorite hgtv and food network shows stocked on the DVR and a filing system as pretty as it is efficient. it's all in there, it's just...all in there. this weekend, it will take shape.

in the spirit of an organization project at home...i thought it was so endearing (and such a relief!) that martha posted pictures of her less-than-martha-ish closet on her blog this week. it's a sweet reminder that disorganization happens to all of us!

here are some worthy clicks from me to you...

first, some eye/ear/heart candy for while you buble getting cuter by the second or what? watch and listen here - GOD i love those horns.

another amazing part of that video - the paper confetti. reminds me of my wedding and our first married moments :)

look at this STUDENT'S apartment, as featured on elements of style this week

another one of my favorite blogs, house of turquoise, was mentioned in the letter from the editor of this month's gorgeous house beautiful! congrats erin!

is this one of the cutest baby pictures ever? i just had to share.

and even as we batten down the hatches this weekend for snow here in new york, it's helpful to remember that spring is around the corner. that thought was underscored by the peak at a new store popping up in my beloved grand central market this morning.

flowers are such a nice new beginning to look forward to.

have a wonderful weekend, dear readers, and i'll meet you back here on monday.

top photo from, martha stewart closet photos from, baby picture from


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Those bags are gorgeous and I will HAVE to enter to win... have a fabulous weekend in the snow!

  2. Let's see some b4 and after pix of that guestroom/office space.

  3. Well I'm happy to say my closet resembles Martha's That is sans the Hermes Bags lol!
