Thursday, February 4, 2010

go red!

so do you know all about GO RED? i have to be honest, i really didn't until reader and friend joyce let me know. and tomorrow is GO RED day! of course, it's to promote education about women and heart disease (#1 killer of women)... seems like a good cause to me. i think i'll wear a pashmina in the red family tomorrow - yet another reason why having pashminas in most colors is just good common sense.

i also thought this was a good time to share some of my favorite red things i've been bookmarking to show you...

sign up on the go red for women site and receive a red dress pin and stay informed of events and developments.

and if you're in the new jersey area, check out joyce's very own work at overlook hospital's annual cardiac health fair at the short hills hilton (really nice hotel, btw - okay i digress). call 1-800-247-9580 for registration and details.

thanks for the tip joyce. what will you wear in red tomorrow, lovely readers?

paintings from terracegallery on etsy, framed print from crate and barrel, fu dog bookends from cb2, bowl from juliasadorabowls on etsy, red and white clutch from littleellie on etsy, bottom two photos from


  1. Thank you for featuring my bowl in your blog.

  2. I wore a red shirt to the office. All of the woman who wore red took a picture together and we are sending it in to Newsday. I may be famous soon!!haha.
