Thursday, December 31, 2009

raise a glass

i hope you all have plans to do whatever it is you want to do tonight...a while ago, i vowed to never feel new year's eve pressure...know what i mean? it's one of those holidays that i think we all feel is expected to be full of impossible fabulosity. but really, i see it as a big, beautiful arch. on one side, it's the year that was, and on the other, the year that is yet to come.

even though i don't think any pressure is in order, there's no reason you can't do what you want in style. i love some of these ideas as quick fixes for high-impact style. okay, maybe the top picture isn't exactly "quick," but it's fabulous enough to make up for it. here are martha's instructions on how to make these streamers using leftover giftwrap. you could also line trays with the giftwrap, as shown above.

for an easier option with leftover holiday supplies, you could use fishwire (or thread, let's be serious)and hang ornaments from the ceiling or archways (watch peoples' heads on this festive eve).

by now, most have already done their shopping for tonight, but there are still ways you can be clever with the smallest details, which are often the ones most noticed. i love the spanish tradition of eating a dozen grapes at midnight to predict the sweet and sour months in the coming year. martha's take on the idea of putting grapes on skewers in deep glasses of champagne is the perfect little touch. also, the idea of a little curl of orange or lemon rind just dresses up a glass of bubbly in a colorful and memorable way.

another interesting way of using up your holiday tissue paper is by wrapping varying numbers of layers of the same shade around hurricanes to create this cool gradated effect. here are the instructions.

i hope your night sparkles and glows, and that you're ready for all the best to come your way in 2010.
all photos from


  1. I LOVE your idea of the big beautiful arch. What a great way to think of it!


  2. thanks erin - happy new year to you too! i hope 2010 is wonderful for you.

  3. I am so loving your blog! I just discovered it today. These are fantastic tips for a classy, gorgeous New Year's party.

  4. Love the idea of the grapes on the stick and in the champagne. So pretty. We usually just count out 12 grapes for each person ti have on hand when the clock strikes 12.
