Friday, January 1, 2010

a new year

...and now it's 2010.

and as cliche it is, today is a great time to pause and take stock of what lies behind us, and to think quietly about what lies ahead. i love the way the snow looks piled up nice and high, and i think it's a powerful visual for the moments i hope we all have today and through the weekend- still, silent, reflective.

it's a fine line when thinking about the future - on one hand, it's kind of scary, not knowing what we'll find around each corner. and on the other, exciting, not knowing what we'll find. two sides of the same coin, really.

i love these two songs - regina spektor's version of my dear acquaintance, and the mairi campbell version of the scottish song auld lang syne, which you might recognize from the sex and the city movie. i claim absolutely no responsibility for the video part of these youtube videos - it's really just the audio i'm pointing you to. actually, in the case of both songs, i like to picture montages of the year in retrospect, featuring all the people i love.

happy new year everyone. i hope it's the happiest and healthiest yet.

1 comment:

  1. the sex in the city version makes me cry everytime I hear it.( How did she run in those heels in the snow!) I had it in my head all last week and just got it out, until Becky told me you wrote about it. Thank you, now it is back in my head!! Happy New Year!!
