Friday, October 30, 2009


this was one of my favorite sights on our trip to woodstock a couple weekends ago, and i figured today was the perfect day to share it. i love it so much because it's such a funny and interesting mix of influences - which is exactly what woodstock is. a pumpkin with a peace sign carved in it, found, with others, on the bar of a chinese restaurant with streamside dining. in woodstock. go figure.

i'll have many more pictures to share of our trip next week now that i finally got my camera cord back from the emerson, where i dropped it. and tiny treasures will also be back.

the best purchase we made on this trip was a peace sign car magnet i had been pursuing for literally a year. it's gray and big, just like our car, and we finally found it on tinker street in woodstock, fittingly.

peace out everyone.

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