Friday, October 16, 2009

how 'bout that weather?

i hope these flowers brighten what is a very cold and dreary day here in the northeast. the weather has become a constant metaphor for life to me. sometimes it's beautiful, other times it's stormy...but it always changes -- it doesn't stay the same, whether we want it to or not. and sometimes we do - sometimes the way it is feels comfortable and happy. but it changes. and sometimes it feels sad and trying and hard. but it changes. it reminds me of the florida weather joke -- "you don't like the weather? wait five minutes."

turns out, people everywhere have that joke about weather. i guess it's universal. the only thing constant is change...

this weekend, mitchell and i have a real mix - we are going up to our favorite place and wedding location, emerson resort, to celebrate our 2 year anniversary which was a couple weeks ago. it's a reminder of our wedding and where we came from, and an opportunity to regroup and determine where we're going. we have some hard decisions to make about our living situation due to the economy which everyone is feeling in one way or another.

we are going to make sure to enjoy the foliage at its peak and to look back and smile at all the sun and rain we've weathered together, and look ahead and smile, even though the forecast is unclear.

have a great weekend and thank you, as always, for reading.

photo from

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