Monday, July 27, 2009

the gang's all here

the kittens have arrived! they are sisters, and we named them sophie and alice.

they are soooo cute and sweet, and they are adjusting really comfortably.
it's a really nice feeling to have taken them from a rescue league (north shore animal league) and seeing them adjust and have fun running around and playing is very meaningful, knowing that our adopting them made that possible, that we've given them a happier life than they would have known. now that i've had the experience of adopting from a shelter, i don't think i'd ever get a pet any other way.

one really nice thing is that sophie and alice's brothers are orange and white, just like abe. it's nice that they come from a litter that has orange in its genes; it's like they're somehow related to abe.

it's interesting to see how their personalities are already different from each other at only 12 weeks, and to think about how the way we raise them will impact the personalities that will emerge as they grow.

it's really nice to have little loved ones to come home to again.

1 comment:

  1. aww, congrats on the new additions to your home. they are adorable to say the least.
