Monday, June 1, 2009

an herb garden for summer

i debated whether to buy herb plants or herb seeds this year…on one hand, it would be nice to use them right away, but on the other, I felt in need of a nature-oriented project. ultimately, i decided to go with both. i did mostly seeds, but i did buy a rosemary plant, a dill plant and a cilantro plant to get me started. all but the rosemary plant actually died, but the seeds are doing very nicely. i am looking forward to watching them grow, and to the benefits of using home grown herbs – saving money on produce, enjoying the fresh taste and smell, and the satisfaction of knowing exactly where something came from.

here is what the herbs look like about 3 weeks after planting, and it's now time to thin out my crop. in the next few days, i will pull out most of the little plants and leave only the ones that appear the strongest, with a couple inches between each plant. i have to say it's very satisfying to see something so green and vibrant growing that i know simply wasn't there a few weeks ago.

read an update on the summer herb garden

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