Tuesday, February 22, 2011

on weddings: links of love

i know my mind is totally on weddings these last few weeks. between all the work i'm doing on bridefinds and planning my sister's upcoming wedding, i am a walking wedding.

i love the sensibility behind amanda freeman's guest post on every last detail. it's all about being real with your wedding, and i think it's true way beyond weddings, but true about everything in life - homes, jobs, relationships, children, etc.

can you relate to robin's fear of having a case of HHS (Harried Hostess Syndrome) at your wedding, or at any other party you host for that matter? ugh, you know that feeling, where you just can't even relax because you're so busy hosting?

party like it's 1929...flapper themed wedding and shower finds. LOVE. oooh, a gatsby wedding would be so fun. SO fun.

this couple featured on bwed got married at a drive thru. they look so fun and spontaneous. and i'm obsessed with how the yellow of her bouquet is strung all throughout their photos, even from such mundane places as the lines in a parking lot.

and i'm already obsessed with all the totally adorable things on the new site from the wedding chicks, on to baby. and the fever begins...

i don't know what's sweeter...the little girl's barettes, or the fact that she's drinking juice out of a jam jar. or the fab antique mirror. it's a good package, all around.

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