Friday, December 31, 2010

happy weekend...the last of 2010

well, it's the close of the last week of the year. last year at this time, most of us had very little idea what was in store in 2010. i know i had no idea. i remember my father, at a low moment in life where the uncertainty was all but killing me, wisely told me that my whole life was ahead of me, and the not-knowing of it all really was the most exciting part. though i certainly didn't believe it then, i'm starting to understand.

for us all to feel like our lives are mostly ahead of us is really the secret, and the blessing. and i find that feeling that way is, like most other things, a choice. i wish you a 2011 full of everything you've always wanted and needed, and a few things here and there that you don't yet know you want and need.

since it's still so messy out, light some candles and choose something different to watch or read. i can't say enough good things about jonathan franzen's freedom, but i'll keep trying. according to my kindle, i'm 94% done with it, and i'm none too thrilled about it. you know that feeling like you're losing a friend when you finish a book? i feel like i'm losing 4 or 5 with this book...4 or 5 very flawed, human, sometimes less than likable friends, so the sadness really speaks to franzen's mastery. i plan to read an excerpt of his last book immediately after i finish to stave off depression and decide if i want to read that one.

on HBO on demand, check out public speaking (about fran lebowitz who you'll get a kick out of) and good hair, chris rock's hilarious and extremely smart documentary.

and laugh all you want, but my snuggie has been my favorite thing this winter in the most non-ironic, utterly cozy way. you might seriously consider procuring one.

as you reflect on the last year, which is almost unavoidable from where we stand, listen to this song and this song and watch the montage of moments that passes through your mind...friends, loved ones, triumphs, disappointments and a full range of feelings.

happy new year, and i'll meet you back here in 2011.

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