Thursday, December 9, 2010

festive spice

my friend kelly has always made pomander balls around the holidays and i love the idea. what i don't love so much is that she said they get moldy and become gross. so not in the holiday spirit.

so i was thinking...this weekend, i'm going to boil some cloves and cinnamon sticks in water, and maybe throw in some orange or vanilla extract to create a second layer of scent. maybe i'll even chop in some fresh pine needles or eucalyptus! this is so perfect for a comfy night at home or a festive holiday gathering, the scent lingering in the background as a reminder of the season. if you find a great combination, you could even tie up little bundles as gifts to give with a little instruction tag for boiling...oooh i kind of love that idea.

i remember when mitchell and i first started dating, i would do something similar in his apartment, so i associate that smell with the excitement of beginnings, an air of expectancy and a warm, cozy respite from the crisp winter wind. i love how scents connect us to our past, don't you?


1 comment:

  1. Yes! I love it too. The first time I opened a clementine this season, the smell hit me and I thought...."ahhh, holidays and family". I usually boil cinnamon, but I'm going to add the things you suggested...I'm sure it will smell great! Thanks for the great posts!
