Tuesday, August 10, 2010

rainy day drives

back in high school, my friend liza and i were the only ones without curfews, so we used to drive around aimlessly into the wee hours and talk, observe and of course smoke cigarettes (clearly that was before we wised up and quit). and we used to discover beautiful houses, new developments breaking ground and remnants of a historical village so different than what it had become. then we used to bring people back to our discoveries in the daylight hours. when i think about all the gas we used and the miles we clocked, it becomes clear that being green wasn't much of a thing on the east coast at the time.

so these days, i don't drive around aimlessly (as much as i'd like to) and with gas prices like ours, who could afford it? that's why i choose scenic routes through town when i'm in the car, and why i like to have my camera handy for when i happen to spot a house or a road or a little corner of land that makes me smile, so i can "bring people there" without actually bringing people there.

one of my favorite streets in port washington is litchfield road, specifically because the houses aren't too big for their lots (a common problem in suburban towns, i've found), and are sufficiently set back from the broad, tree-lined streets. and the trees are big and tall and old, not sad and tiny looking. the street looked so pretty a few weeks ago after a downpour that i just had to freeze the moment and bring you with me.


  1. my high school bff and i used to drive aimlessly around town, solving all the world's problems, drinking rte. 44 diet cokes from sonic and smoking too! if only gas prices hadn't risen, salaries hadn't shrunk, and friends hadn't moved to separate coasts.....but the memories will live on forever! thanks for sharing this sweet friend! xoxo

  2. it's so nice to know other people across the country have such similar memories...i love when things like that are universal :)

  3. Lovely pictures. My friends and I used to just drive when we had no specific place to be. What great memories!

  4. So... i am just jealous that you never had a curfew ;)

  5. I just got back from Mexico and am catching up on my honeyliving and saw this... Love my shoutout and wish I was with you on this beautiful rainy day, which im sure was just begging for coffee, diet coke, and the now-forbidden ciggies. I love youuuuuuu! And I'm glad we still do our "adult" version of this...
