Thursday, August 19, 2010

by the skin of your lunch

how cute are these? they're lunchskins, and they're brought to us by a homegrown company called 3greenmoms who wanted a stylish, inexpensive and green alternative to plastic baggies for lunch, snacks, dog treats, cosmetics, even ice packs! (did you know 20 million plastic baggies go into landfills everyday?!?)

so... lunchskins come in three different sizes, many colors and patterns and are dishwasher- and food-safe, made of a durable, thick food-industry cotton. they can be used hundreds of times each, and at $7.85 to $10.95, you can see how they'd easily pay for themselves in time. plus you're being a friend to the environment, as the ladies at 3greenmoms are, by making real efforts to be green in all the ways they can - their business is paperless for the most part, they use local and family-owned manufacturers, they use very little packaging, low flow faucets, compact fluorescent bulbs, and they only bike to work or work from home.

great products are so much greater when you can feel good about the company who makes them and their greater purpose, don't you think?

in one year, lunchskins have saved 12 million plastic baggies that would have gone into landfills, polluting our earth. i'm proud of these ladies and i don't even know them!

here's what they say, which i totally love:

our happiest moments are spent outdoors. rivers, lakes, meadows, forests, mountains, and oceans inspire us to take care of the places we love. living sustainably is not just about big technological or scientific innovations. it’s about the little things, too. it can be as simple and easy as changing wasteful habits and using better products.

so true. and so cute!

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