Wednesday, July 14, 2010

vintage HL: giving thanks

i am thankful for my family, first and foremost; for mitchell and the fact that he is my best friend and favorite person on earth. and for the fact that my parents and siblings are also my best friends, and each others' best friends. i am thankful that i have siblings, and that we share roots in common, and a memory bank in common, and sometimes it seems, a mind in common. i am thankful for the people that love them, who i now love too.

i am thankful for the family i have chosen - my closest friends. i am thankful that i have known kim and liza for more than half my life. i am thankful for kim and her loyalty and laughter and the quirky thoughts we share; for liza and the accuracy with which she anticipates, articulates and meets needs. and i am thankful for kelly, a kindred spirit since we met, and the way she understands and supports with no judgment. i am thankful for their husbands who love them.

i am thankful for the memory of our old orange cat abe and the fact that his loss made me love our new kittens alice and sophie even more. i am thankful for my sense of humor, my ability to express myself, and the fact that i am getting to know who i am, more and more each day. i'm thankful that when i stumble, i get back up and move forward.

i'm thankful that we made a good choice when we decided to move, and that the paint color i chose for our new place looks good. i'm thankful mitchell's handy and that i found the ikea produkt for my coffee in the mornings. i'm thankful that it's the holiday season and that there will be gift-giving. i'm thankful for siriusly sinatra and radio stations that play nonstop christmas music.

i'm thankful for sparkly things and manicures and the fact that there is endless array of accessories out there to love.

i'm thankful that i grew up with all four grandparents and can remember them all very, very well. i'm thankful that i still have a grandmother to visit and talk to, and that even now, every once in a while she busts out with a funny or astute observation. i'm thankful that she has a kind lady to take care of her, who dresses her in clothes warm out of the dryer. i'm thankful that brings her comfort.

i'm thankful for hgtv, gossip girl and all editions of the real housewives franchise, including atlanta which i never thought i'd say. i'm also thankful for us weekly, for elle decor and all the many blogs i love to read. i'm thankful for woodstock and the emerson resort.

i'm thankful for my weight watchers leader and my therapist who help me navigate an ongoing struggle. i'm thankful i feel i can share that with all of you. i'm thankful for lavender-scented things, wall-to-wall carpeting and a programmable coffee maker; for trader joe's and farmers markets and details in unexpected places.

and i'm thankful, beyond measure, for this blog and all the goodness it has brought into my life and helped me to realize. i'm thankful for my wonderful readers who not only read what i write, but email me suggestions and their own thoughts. i can't tell you how much my life has been changed and how thankful i am for all of you.

i am thankful for so many things - small and large - and it feels nice to list them.

what are you thankful for? please share with me by commenting below.

originally posted 11/24/09

all photos from

1 comment:

  1. Carla! That was beautiful! And it was nice to read again now...its important to be thankful all year and this was a nice reminder.
