Thursday, July 22, 2010

a simple evening glow

does this not look like a dream? if i could fashion a summer evening meal out of the corners of my imagination, this is what it would look like. i prefer this so much over the very produced, very "sexy" beach dinners you see on resort websites.

here, it's the natural world that comes along with the beach, and a few well-chosen human additions -- soothing, simple candlelight and the sound of the ocean and its breezes to accompany whatever farm-fresh dinner awaits. even the gauzy tablecloth blends perfectly with its surroundings.

i love the relaxed vibe i feel just looking at this - it's what summer evenings are made for, don't you think?

image from boum blog

1 comment:

  1. love, love, love. i'm daydreaming about being there right now. the sound of the waves, the smell of the ocean, fresh food, cold white wine, and good friends...ahhh happiness.
