Monday, January 25, 2010

rainy day style

oh my wetness. new york city is not dry this morning, no, not dry at all. i arrived at my office looking and feeling like a wet puppy - umbrella broke in the gale force winds, shoes and socks soaked. i looked only slightly more together than a man i saw holding a ruffled little girl umbrella on line for the bus. true story.

here are some ensembles i wish i was wearing today, replete with waterproof bags...nothing like a wet newspaper.

i think i really do need to address my rain situation so i have some rain-cessories that make these days not so miserable and gray and...WET.

generally, it would make rainy days a lot less gloomy to feel stylish and coordinated...and dry.

do you have any rainy day accessories you look forward to or can recommend? i'd love to know!

at least i had a pair of dry socks in my desk drawer so i can browse my dream rain ensemble with dry feet. so there's that.

hat photo and all jacket photos from; yellow boots from, all other boots from nomad puddles at; white umbrella photo from, hot pink bubble umbrella photo from, all other umbrella photos from, zebra tote from, all other bags from

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