Wednesday, February 10, 2010

la cage

i don't know if it's one of those things where it's on my mind so i'm noticing it everywhere, or if it really is everywhere, but i am seeing birdcages all over! and i'm thrilled about it because i grew up with a little brass birdcage that came from my mother's childhood home, bought by my grandparents on a trip to paris.

i've been taking sweet, cozy pleasure recently in the idea that that brass birdcage will find a place in my future child's nursery (no future child to speak of yet, simmer down, just truly a daydream right now). there's something so classic and comforting about the way these look, don't you think?

birdcages from pottery barn, west elm, and coldwater creek


  1. Hi HoneyLiving. Thanks for stopping by my blog!!!!

  2. The Louis Vuitton store window in Chevy Chase is filled with birdcages of all sizes, including giant ones! Just walked by it again and was noticing how cool it all looked.
