Wednesday, January 13, 2010

from jersey to helsinki

there is exactly one thing (count it, ONE) that i like about jersey shore, the most massive train-wreck reality show this side of the turnpike, and it's the big square dining table the house has, which i can't find any photos of. not to worry though, as i've long-admired these photos i found on the improvised life a few months ago, from an inn and restaurant 45 minutes southwest of helsinki. (thank god for the internet, right?)

i love the idea of a big square, as opposed to long banquet tables. i even love the idea of square tables at weddings instead of round. they do take up more space, but to my mind, if you have the space, it's an unexpected modern take on a large table. an easy way to do it is to combine a four rectangular tables as they do it in helsinki. me linki!

for a party, rather than using two bridge tables by themselves, why not experiment with this idea and push them together? granted it doesn't maximize seating, but everyone can look at each other amd there are no bad seats. it's so much more intimate, and nicely unexpected.

do i love it so much i'd punch someone in the face at a bar? yes, especially if their name was snooki. (if you know not my references here, update yourself here, and then congratulate yourself on staying out of the jersey shore fray) -- you're "much more classier" than you know.

1 comment:

  1. I love these larger square tables, we had ours built to seat twelve and the squarer shape allows for more food to be placed on the table..we're all about food in this house so it's worked

    Have you seen
    she has plans for making tables w/price list. I wish I had known before we hired someone.
    Regards, Lynea
