Friday, January 22, 2010

city nights

eastbound view on 45th street
i was struck by the brilliant shade of blue in the sky a couple weeks ago around 5:30 as i walked to the train, so i snapped some pictures, not sure what would become of them, but just to capture the moment. of course i knew that at some point i'd be sharing them with you, my lovely readers.

westbound view on 45th street

and in the few weeks that have passed since then, the world has changed. it's 2010 now, and there have been disastrous events in the world, forever leaving a mark. also, there have been momentous political changes, and everyone's lives have been impacted in some way by these events, and by countless others that occur on a daily basis, large and small, every day of our lives. for us, 2010 has been a little stressful so far, but you know what? i'm convinced things are starting to look up. and isn't that really half the battle, believing it?

eastbound view on 45th street

and as if on cue, the sky when i left my office last night at precisely the same time, told a story that corroborates the idea that a certain heaviness is lifting, and that there is truly light at the end of the tunnel. i hope this january thaw brings with it some relief...for whatever and whomever needs relieving. and i hope you have a wonderful weekend.

westbound on 45th street
this picture of the darker blue sky is kind of blurry, but i'm sort of into it in an artistic way. hmmm...

westbound view on 45th street

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