Tuesday, January 5, 2010

present and correct

i don't know about you, but to me, nostalgia is one of the most beautiful feelings. things we remember from the olden days, whether our childhood or college, or even feelings of deja-vu of things that didn't exist in our lifetime - it's chilling at times, and is one of the most visceral feelings one can have. the intensity of memory brought about by a smell, a visual, even a very particular feeling, is, to me, a calming and very special feeling.

i could spend hours looking through pictures of books and games and toys i remember from way back when and marveling at their color combinations and language that were so of their time - even remembering the way certain dolls smelled or the way tiny game pieces felt underfoot when they spilled out all over the basement floor. and isn't it the best feeling when you connect with someone - a new or old acquaintance - who remembers the same things you do? the discoveries of those mutual memories even make me feel choked up sometimes - they're like connective tissue between us, cementing a shared history.

(if you're of my generation, you know what i mean if you've ever been with a bunch of people who find themselves singing the growing pains theme song, or better yet, charles in charge. for hours of fun, treat yourself to television tunes).

well, on that note, check out these wonderful designs from present and correct, a london graphic design team who ventured into this awesome stationery collection in 2003. driven by their self-proclaimed obsession with stationery, their point of view is really simple and charming, as they share here:

"sourced from seoul or picked up on the bus from peckham: we hope that our designs, and finds, bring some fun to your desks, walls, friends and children. it might spark a distant memory, make you smile or look at the most mundane in a new, and fonder, light"

LOVE. whether you like these products, available at present and correct or their etsy shop, for your home or office, or just to rest your eyes upon and feel nostalgic, i hope you enjoy this find as much as i have.

and as if this all wasn't pitch-perfect enough, look how adorable their gift card presentation is!

all photos from www.presentandcorrect.com

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