Friday, December 3, 2010

precious moments

how precious is this moment? it's the bridal party of a wedding in central you not just want to smoosh the little girl? so cute!!

i hope you have a weekend of precious moments, even if they aren't all that unusual - puttering around the house, shopping for gifts, meeting up with a loved one. we'll be doing all of the above, and trying to enjoy the quiet moments in between too.

as you can tell, i've started to post some gift ideas, and there are plenty more where those came from. email me if you're stumped and want some specific ideas, or navigate through the honey gift files with lots of posts from last year's holidays.

meanwhile, check out these clever little ideas for holiday gift packaging and sending:

why not send a gift in a box that looks like a stocking?

among all of's adorable stationery offerings, i deeply love the idea of these personalized photo gift tags, so cute, such a great way to save paper and avoid the always missing cards.

and how about this lovely idea for gift presentation (see #6)? and all these ideas? it's almost too much to handle.


1 comment:

  1. cute.. little baby.. i cant figure out the wedding outfit....sorry
    Geek Chic
