Wednesday, November 4, 2009

mum's the word

well, i guess it doesn't surprise you that i'm the crazy lady who drives around taking pictures of lawns and gated entrances. but really, can you blame me? some of them are so beautiful, especially in the fall! the one above, from a gated community in my area is my absolute favorite of all time. the amazing contrast between the purple cabbages (my new favorite fall plant) and the orange mums is just spectacular.

clearly, i wasn't kidding about snapping pictures while driving. AT RED LIGHTS! don't worry - no motion photography.

my favorite mums i've seen this season are the ones right outside my parents' front door! i love how each bud is a combination of the classic red mum color and the orange. it's like a mix and match score all in one plant!

hopefully our unpacking and settling will wind down this weekend or next so i can take myself on a fall artist's date, and maybe take mitchell too - driving with a pumpkin latte and siriusly sinatra and snapping some shots of the other beautiful fall displays i've been eyeing.

1 comment:

  1. Love the Mums.. They just redid the gardening outside my office building with thousands of mums... I actually thought of you and was intending to snap a pic.
