Monday, September 28, 2009

have a seat

i seriously adore this use of several different dining room chairs all unified by black paint. it is the precise kind of mix i love -- not perfect, not precious, but composed and sophisticated all the same. much like the blog i discovered it on - elements of style.

what i love about this is that it's a strategy that can be used on chairs you already have, or could easily and cheaply acquire - as hand-me-downs, yard sale or thrift store finds, or even inexpensive ikea purchases, like the lanni for $60, the kaustby for $40, or the olle for $35. or one of each mixed with some other random chairs picked up along the way. or to create the look all at once, maybe two of each.

i think the key would be to use the exact same paint on all the chairs so that the same color and sheen is achieved. also, i like the idea used in the picture above of using matching chair cushions, whether a solid color or a pattern or print. and ikea has those too. for $6.

want to know something that makes the dining room above that much cooler? it belongs to SJP.

top photo from; all other photos from

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