Tuesday, July 6, 2010

a lovely hand

i love this vintage penmanship sample i once saw on the jayson home and garden website. it's no longer available, as is often the case with items in their flea section, since they're one of a kind and limited in nature. but i just love to look at this piece because it reminds me of little boys and girls learning to write - forming letters and numbers so carefully, so focused on creating just the right forms. i can just see the concentration on their little faces in my mind's eye.

even now, when someone has a beautiful signature or handwriting on a thank you note or even a grocery list, it strikes me. how lovely it is to be able to create such beauty with every line you jot. mine is more like a scrawl, at best. that's something i want to work on. perhaps i'll look into a penmanship class. or just practice really intently, like the little boys and girls.

script sample images courtesy of iampeth

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