Saturday, May 16, 2009

sweet lessons learned

i hate quitting. and i hate when i set out to do something spectacular and it doesn't work out...spectacularly. such was the case with the centerpieces for a bridal shower i planned this spring.

candy was the theme and all things sweet and sugary were the tools for decoration. after hours at the craft store concocting my plan, i purchased several sheets of styrofoam boards, a glue gun and lots of glue sticks. i also ordered about 100 pounds of bulk candy from a wholesaler. yes, some was for the very abundant candy buffet, but much of it was for the centerpieces...i would be making "wedding cakes" out of layers of styrofoam cut into squares, each layer wrapped in white wrapping paper to mimic fondant, and covered, every centimeter, in candy - a different type for each of the 9 tables. i knew it was a lofty plan, and the anxiety about it had been clawing at me for weeks. but i was determined, and told myself repeatedly that it would be fine.

i wish i had taken pictures on construction day to fully demonstrate how NOT fine it was. half way through the day, in spite of myself, i had to do an about face. one of the "cakes" had turned out well, and that one would adorn the placecard table, but generally, the plan had not worked, and i didn't have time to be stubborn. after some bargaining with myself, i knew another plan was required. back to the craft store i went, where i purchased 2 basic rectangular vases for each table. i also purchased about 100 very long, bendy lollipops and created some very cute, very festive, candylicious centerpieces that everyone absolutely loved. with all the candy, games and wishes for the bride, the day turned out to be as sweet as i had imagined.

i definitely believe that experiences and projects live on through what they teach us. here's what i learned with this one:

lesson 1: don't take on overly ambitious crafts projects (particularly when you're not an overly crafty person)

lesson 2: don't be too stubborn to recognize when a plan is not working and do an about face

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I love the candy "cake"! Thanks for stopping by and leaving blog love!

    Kim @
