Tuesday, July 7, 2009

pick a posie

all year round, i buy fresh flowers for my house and i fully enjoy trying out different combinations and color schemes each week. although flowers aren't outrageously expensive, they still cost money, so this summer, i'm especially appreciating cutting flowers growing around our house to use inside.

because i have an abundance of flowering plants at my fingertips, the house is filled with way more flowers than i ever have, which is so nice. my mom first turned me on to this idea because each year, she has several small vases of mixed cut flowers from all around their property, and it is such a charming and natural way to bring summer inside. what's also nice is that every few weeks, what you have available changes slightly so the arrangements sort of self-rotate. in the kitchen, i have a vase of purple echinacea and these other purple/pink flowers which look more like a pointillist painting than a flower. the colors are a perfect match. i also have some of the pointillist ones in the downstairs bathroom.

then in the dining room, a nice full vase of orange daylilies. each of the flowers looks nice on their own, but i like the way they look all together too, if i wanted to really let loose. i’ve learned about daylilies that they go to sleep at night – they close up and then open again when the sun returns. so cute!

i've been enjoying inspecting each plant and deciding which and how many blooms to cut each day. because of where the echinacea is situated (not exactly on our property, per se, but between the property and the sidewalk), i look slightly insane while snipping it, and i have the words "i live here" on the tip of my tongue should anyone look alarmed or angry.

well sue me. i insist on reaping the benefits of nature’s bounty while it lasts. i'm thinking that I’ll get really sassy and bring a few bunches on vacation with us next week to fire island to put in the bedrooms there.

since i'll have this bounty for the next couple months, I think I will send each summer visitor home with a little posie for their own home. i love the idea of sending guests home with a little something. i actually have some purple tissue paper and ribbon to finish them off with.

thanks nature, i love you too.

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